Goodbye 2022 and Hello 2023.

09 Jan 2023, 21:04
Goodbye 2022 👋 and Hello 2023! 💥 2022 was the year of FIRSTS 🤯 By trailblazing new frontiers, leading the charge for data indexers, and empowering builders with products and programs- this was a BIG year 🔥 #UnifiedAPI #NoBearMarketForBuilders Our year in 🚀 Firsts 🚀 ✅ first to index zk roll-ups, ✅first to index the most number of chains in a single year (over 50 new!) ✅first-of-its-kind data analyst training bootcamp ✅first time to appear on national television ..and more! 🔥 Read the 2022 Annual Report, now live on our blog 💪